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21 Delicious Recipes for Pudding Pops, including Reeses, butterscotch, chocolate, strawberry, peach cobbler, limoncello, banana and many more! Favorite Pudding Pop Recipes We all know that kids love their popsicles. But my feeling is… what about the adults? We love our popsicles too! There’s nothing better than devouring a dripping popsicle on a sweltering hot …

Read More about 21 Delicious Recipes for Pudding Pops

Everyone has experienced leftover Halloween candy at some point in their life. This week I came up with a solution to leftover candy bars from Halloween! Usually after Trick or Treating, candy stays in a tub in the pantry and gets older, and older, and older. Eventually it gets so stale that it would break your …

Read More about Twix Bar Chocolate Pudding Cookies